Kamis, 08 Mei 2014


Tissa Novita Sari is a student of the Faculty of Economic Management University Gunadarma 2010.Starting the first day of the University ospec when I met someone who until this time had become First Best Friend and is still one class in the 8th semester . Our struggle was not in vain to maintain this friendship right . When we arrange a meeting us in the first half of class , with my position as a child he was the one who accompanied me overseas when having a bit of trouble communicating in the language typical Minang Indonesia.Minang characteristic tone is very thic, while speaking direct response giggled friend I spend listening to the language . And that's when our friendship was genuine and mutual respect . Cicik special call me for my best friend and my best friend call uni.Uni is calling women to the field while the woman cici is calling china because china cicik similar people .

I was born in Padang 28 November almost 21 years ago , a mixture of blood from the father and mother Medan Padang not necessarily make the accent and the language that I spend making characteristic , although I bleed Sumatra, but the average person to judge me not the Sumatran when viewed from the face . My first child of three brothers really like chocolate and milk , from tiny almost every day I consume chocolate and milk . Lover of the color green is very fond of spicy food , but since I 've been in Bekasi spicy taste in the tongue gradually decreased and even now I do not like spicy Padang food is identical and spicy coconut milk . Sagittarius women who are women who like things smell independence , sometimes adventurous things like the latest . And it is not like playing a puzzle if in question .
From childhood I wanted to be motivatis , I really like a reliable motivator for example Mario Teguh Golden Ways . My role models with very meaningful words . Want and are eager to meet face to face and talk about the future and the development of so motivator . I am a big fans of Mario Teguh ..

One said the exact circumstances of my present " Educating with love to shoot with Patience "..

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